Use Your Benefits And Relieve Dental Anxiety

Welcome back to the Holladay Dental Studio blog!

We hope that you feel comfortable coming here for dentistry-related information. We also hope that if you ever need a dentist in Holladay, Utah, you will pay us a visit in-person.

Speaking of office visits, this is the time of year that you will want to make use of any remaining dental benefits that you have coming to you. Most insurance providers allow for two checkups and cleanings per calendar year. We’d much rather see you use it than lose it! Your oral health is much too important to let it get away from you.

We try to create a safe and welcoming environment for everyone, because we know that some people would rather do just about anything other than visit the dentist. There is an actual condition known as dental anxiety that afflicts millions of Americans and gets in the way of their continued health and wellness.

Maybe you can relate?

If you have ever had an unpleasant experience at the dentist’s office, that can be a hard memory to let go. Back in the day, there were a lot of gruff personalities in the dental field, and the ominous sound of drills didn’t help matters much. Regardless of what you’ve had to put up with in the past, we can create better memories for you moving forward.

Why is this so important to us?

Because your oral health is linked to your overall wellbeing.

For example, did you know that gum disease can be linked to respiratory problems, heart disease, and cancer?

The sad thing is that if caught early enough, gum disease can be easily treated and reversed. The same goes for cavities, a filling is always better than a root canal! But if you aren’t regularly visiting your Holladay, UT dentist, you will never know what is really going on inside your mouth and you will miss out on the professional-grade cleanings that keep everything on track.

We understand if your fears sometimes get the better of you, but we promise to be gentle and accommodating while you are entrusted to our care, if you’d only let us help.

In fact, we can put your fears to rest (in some cases, literally) with sedation dentistry.

Sedation Dentistry At Holladay Dental Studio

We will meet you wherever you are at, in terms of sedation needs. We have three levels at our disposal.

Nitrous Oxide Sedation Dentistry

Once the “laughing gas” is inhaled through a mask, you will feel much more relaxed and at ease in our office.

The effects are pleasant and easily wear off a few minutes after your procedure.

This method of sedation dentistry is often used for mildly nervous children and adults.

Oral Conscious Sedation Dentistry

If nitrous oxide isn’t enough for you, we can kick it up a notch with oral conscious sedation. This is the type of sedation most commonly used at our office. Oral sedation is a prescription pill that is ingested beforehand. It can take a while for the drug to take effect, but when it does take hold, you will feel very relaxed and drowsy. So much so that you will need a driver to get you home.

With this type of sedation, you will likely remain conscious throughout your procedure, but you may not remember much about it.

This type of sedation is successful at alleviating most levels of anxiety.

IV Sedation Dentistry

This is our highest level of sedation dentistry. For many reasons, we do not offer this service on a day-to-day basis. IV sedation is typically reserved for use in conjunction with our more complicated dental procedures.

This strong sedative goes directly into your bloodstream and allows you to sleep through whatever treatment you’ll be receiving.

Though not for everyone, IV sedation is great for those who have severe anxiety, fear, or phobia of the dentist.

Let Us Get Your Health In Order

No matter how long you’ve been away from your Holladay, UT dentist, you won’t get any lectures from us. Our goal is to get you back on track as soon as possible.

We will do everything in our power to make your fears disappear long enough to get the dental work you need, and we will help you take advantage of the insurance benefits that you have left.

If you are ready to get going, contact us to schedule your next appointment

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