Dental Emergencies Can Strike At Any Time

Welcome back to another December edition of the Holladay Dental studio blog!

We hope that you are enjoying the holiday season and the final days of 2015! As your trusted dentist in Holladay, Utah, we are here for you whenever you need us.

Today we want to talk about something few ever think about in advance: dental emergencies. If there’s one thing we have learned, it’s that life can come at you fast and accidents will happen when you least expect them to. This seems especially true around the holidays when travel is involved, potentially dangerous food such as fruitcake with nuts are served, and, in some cases, the spiked eggnog is flowing.

We want you to be ready, should anything go awry. Since every dental emergency is unique, there is no catch-all list or handbook that we could create to get you through your situation.

Still, with this blogpost, we wanted to go over some of the common types of dental emergencies and what you will need to do, generally speaking, if you find yourself in a similar set of circumstances.

What to do if your tooth has been knocked out:

Call our office immediately!

Whatever you do, do not touch the root of the tooth.

Rinse the tooth gently, holding the tooth by the crown.

Do not scrub or remove any remaining tissue.

Get to our office as soon as possible. Time is of the essence!

What to do if you have a loose tooth:

Again, call our office immediately!

Attempt to gently move the tooth back into position. Don’t push too hard!

Bite down carefully to keep the tooth in place (do only if this helps).

Try to come to our office as soon as possible.

What to do if you have a cracked or fractured tooth:

Call our office immediately! Are you seeing a pattern here?

Be careful chewing so as to prevent further damage.

Come to our office as soon as possible!

Here’s how we handle emergencies on our end:

Around here, we take your concerns very seriously, and oral health is nothing to fool around with. So, we want you to know how to best get in touch and get seen by our compassionate crew of Holladay, UT dental professionals. For an immediate response, call us before 8 p.m. We will start by trying to work you into our daily schedule, and we even offer after-hours appointments for those truly in need.

After 8 p.m., you will be forwarded to an answering machine. Leave a message and we will get back with you as soon as possible. If it is a true emergency and there is excessive bleeding or your life is in danger, get to a hospital immediately.

Besides our emergency care, we offer same-day treatment as often as possible. If you come in for your regular cleaning and we notice that you need a dental filling or crown, we do our best to get it done that day. No need for multiple visits and more time away from your busy schedule! Our goal is to make dental care as convenient as possible for everyone involved.

Get In Touch

Don’t delay! Call our office today at 801-997-1137 if you have a dental emergency or would like to make a regular appointment.

You can also use our online form – though this isn’t suggested for emergencies.

The team at Holladay Dental Studio is here to help get you back on track fast, whatever you might be dealing with.

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